Indoctrination and Conditioning

Do you believe that you’re truly thinking for yourself? Of course you do. We would all like to believe that we control our own minds and enjoy independent thoughts, free of manipulation by others. Nobody would like to admit that their mind has been hijacked by anyone else, and it would have to be a crazy conspiracy theory to even entertain the notion that governments or corporations could influence our minds to any degree. Right?

Well, put on your tin foil hats and just open your mind for a moment without jumping to any rash conclusions. As wild and wacky as it might sound, we all have been indoctrinated and conditioned since birth to believe in many different paradigms, go against our own intrinsic values and intuitions, and live our lives in ways that other people would like us to.

No, no, no, that’s just plain silly. “That could never happen to me” is what any rational free willed independent thinker might say. “I control my own thoughts. Nobody else tells me what to think or believe, or how to act.” Oh really? Maybe we can have a little bit of harmless fun and put that theory to the test.

For example, do you think we are inherently loving and kind towards animals or that we have an intrinsic instinct to commit evil acts towards them? When young children see a fuzzy bunny or a furry dog, do they naturally want to cuddle with them and exchange kisses or tear them apart and devour their flesh and blood? When we see a chicken, cow, pig, or fish, do we start salivating in hunger at the site of a perceived food source? Do we have a natural desire to kill those animals or suck on their tetes to drink their milk? Hmm…call me crazy, but does it seem a wee bit like humans could be naturally wired to be loving and compassionate to other beings, not murderous or ill-willed? So how did we “evolve” to think we should be meat eaters or consumers of animal excretions? яндекс

Well, here’s where things might get a little loco. Giant greedy profit-driven corporations like those in the meat, dairy, and egg industry have a vested interest in confusing us to go against our inherent human characteristics, and trick us into supporting and perpetuating our massive income streams. By dumping millions of dollars into advertising campaigns that train us to believe that “Milk does a body good” when it in fact, it contributes to osteoporosis and other ailments, or that, “Beef…its what’s for dinner” when beef creates an acidic PH in the human body that feeds diseases like cancer and diabetes. That my friends is how corporations indoctrinate and condition us to act against our natural instincts and succumb to the lifestyles they want us to live.

So maybe you’re thinking “those ad slogans never made me think about consuming meat or dairy”. Of course not. You’re an independent thinker, right? But what about government corporations indoctrinating us? Yes, governments are corporations. If you don’t believe me research Title 28 USC § 3002 that states that the United States is a Federal Corporation. And what is the primary function of any corporation? To make profits! Or is it “prophets”? “In God we trust”? Separation of church and state?

Ok I digress, but the government-educational-pharmaceutical-media-meat-military-industrial-complex controls the public school system, where we are taught that the four food groups somehow include meat, dairy, eggs. However, many researchers have shown that animal products are directly linked to many chronic and fatal diseases, so why would public schools “educate” children to eat these products? It would be another conspiracy theory to think that governments (corporations) could be in bed with other corporations (ie the meat, dairy, and egg industries) when they reap massive subsidies, revenue through income, sales, and many other types of taxes generated from those companies, their employees, and customers.

And it doesn’t stop there, the revenues generated from hospital bills, pharmaceutical sales, and funeral homes are innumerable as a result of people consuming animal products against their better judgment. But since “Pork is the other white meat” and “Happy cows come from California”, it must be ok to put forkfuls of dead animal flesh, pus, menstrual cycles or bee vomit in our mouths. Not to mention that eating animal products is completely normalized through tell-lie-vision (television), movies, music, sporting events, and other forms of entertainment, which creates a sheep herd mentality since “everyone else is doing it”.

Don’t believe me about how powerful these corporate messages are? Research Edward Bernays, the “Father of Propaganda”. Interesting that he was never mentioned in our history books or English literature classes in “school”.

So the bottom line is that we are not born with the physiology, natural desires, or the mindset of consumers of animal carcasses or excretions. It is only through the indoctrination and conditioning bestowed upon us by trusted power-hungry corporations that we morph into mindless drones consuming the dead energy and bodies of our beloved animal brothers and sisters.

It’s not just eating animal products, we are indoctrinated and conditioned in more ways than most of us could imagine. But please don’t believe me, do your own honest investigation for yourself. Research concepts like flat earth, false flags, crisis actors, 911 hoax, negative effects of vaccines, fake moon landing, NASA lies, fiat currency, right to travel, the fraudulent IRS, nontaxpayer status, and more. You may be amazed to learn what lies we have been sold and the motives, profit, and power that lies beneath them.

The truly awakened and enlightened will see past the indoctrination and conditioning, and think and act for themselves. As kind and compassionate beings we need to ignore the propaganda from the mainstream media and corporate giants, and follow our own hearts that lead us back to peace, love, and truth.

Humans are not natural meat, dairy or egg consumers. In the famous words of actor-entertainer Bob Marley “Don’t let ’em fool ya…or even try to school ya.” Think for yourself. You’ll thank yourself and the animals will thank you as well.