Veganism and “The Law”

Are you crazy? How would you possibly relate a vegan lifestyle to the law? One has to do with people abstaining from consuming animals and the other has to do with governments, police, and criminals. And why is “law” in quotes?

Most people are aware that there are many sub-categories of “law”, such as criminal. civil, family, business, bankruptcy, entertainment, environmental trust, and admiralty law. What most people don’t realize is that what most of us know to be “law” is actually a series of codes and statutes implemented by governments (corporations) that in reality only apply to their employees. However, the general public is hoodwinked into believing that we are subject to those codes and statutes through scare tactics like the mainstream media, costumed actors (police, border patrol, etc), and alphabet mafias (IRS, FBI, CIA, etc).

We are born as free people, with no contracts or obligations to anyone. However, we are programmed during our entire lives to believe that we are subjects to these corporations, and that we must abide by all of their rules and regulations, whether we ever agreed to or not. We are never told that the codes and statutes don’t apply to us as (unless we are employees of the applicable government corporation), and basically forced to comply with a man-you-factured set of guidelines so the government corporations can extort fees from us and justify more funding for detention centers.

In actuality, there is only one type of law that applies to free people, which is common law, or natural law. Common law is so common that it doesn’t need to be written down, it doesn’t require libraries full of confusing legalese, or lawyers (liars) to attorn their souls from their fellow man to the BAR (British Accredited Registry). It’s only principle, is simply, to do no harm. Meaning don’t damage or endanger another man, woman, or their property, and we are free to live in peace as we choose.

Ok Mr. Attorney Man, what does all this legal stuff have to to with tofu and slaughterhouses? Well, animal agriculture has a lot of similarities to codes and statutes. There are the big bad government corporations with their bullets and guns, controlling the rest of the sheep (general public) to comply with their rules. Or else they will herd us into a cage, lock us up, feed us the slop from the bottom of the barrel, and use us as a human commodity. This is not too far from what happens to animals, except they aren’t breaking any “laws” when they are sentenced to a life of imprisonment and slavery. They usually don’t get to watch tv, enjoy conjugal visits, or have any chance at parole. Přečtěte si prosím They are simply forced or born into their lives of confinement, without their consent, and their only hope usually being a crazy animal rights activist freeing them from their penitentiaries before the worst of the worst happens to them.

On the contrary, a vegan lifestyle has more in common with common law. The principle of doing no harm comes from a place of respect, kindness, and compassion for others. If we choose to respect our fellow man, woman, and animals, then there would be no need for involuntary servitude, guns, badges, or prisons. Men, women, children, and animals alike could all live in a world of peace and freedom full of trust and love.

Humans at least have the capacity (although usually not the will) to learn about the law and understand how to live freely without harming others. Unfortunately animals don’t have that ability, so they are left helpless and controlled by the for-profit corporations that benefit from their vulnerability while the general public thinks it’s just business as usual.

So there’s a little lesson in “law”. It may take some honest research to come to grips with how codes and statutes really work, but either way if we all follow the common and natural law of do no harm, we can make this world a better place for our human and animal brothers and sisters to enjoy together.